How to Treat Cold Sore Types

While the exact cause of cold sores is unclear, there are many ways to treat them. While many of them can be easily treated at home with over-the-counter pain relievers, a doctor will prescribe a prescription drug. You can also use an over-the-counter medication to ease the discomfort. Topical ibuprofen and acetaminophen are common medications that can be used to relieve pain. You can also apply lip balm with SPF 30 to prevent sunburn. It is important to avoid consuming foods with high acidity because they will aggravate the condition.

Types of Cold Sores

There are two types of cold sores: the classic ones and the less common ones. The former is the most common type, occurring in the lip area. However, there are some variations. The former occurs anywhere on the body, while the latter occurs on the lips or other parts of the body. Regardless of the location, they are all likely to recur in the same location. During the outbreak, you should avoid touching the affected area. Similarly, you should not touch the sore with your fingers.

Treatment and Prevention of Cold Sores

If you are experiencing repeated outbreaks, talk to your doctor. The doctor may prescribe a medication to reduce the symptoms and speed up the healing process. A good over-the-counter antiviral cream can reduce the duration of the outbreak. The treatment can last from five to ten days. But it is important to remember that these creams do not get rid of the virus, so they should not be shared with others. For a more effective treatment, you can apply over-the-counter medications such as acyclovir and docosanol to the affected area.

Over-the-counter medications are available at the drugstore. These antiviral creams can reduce the pain and discomfort of an outbreak, but they will not completely eliminate the infection. You should use an antiviral cream for the duration of the outbreak. It is important to use the cream at the first sign of the outbreak to make sure it is working. Some of these creams contain acetaminophen, which can also reduce the recurrence of the outbreak.

If you’re constantly having outbreaks, it’s important to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. Site

may recommend medications that can reduce pain and speed up the healing process. Herpes is usually mild but difficult to treat in the long term. A good medicine can help you overcome your symptoms and prevent a recurrence of herpes in the long run. If your outbreaks are severe, you should take it as soon as possible.

Prevention and Transmission of Cold Sores

If you are prone to herpes, you should avoid contact with people who have herpes. Those who are at high risk for this disease should avoid kissing and sharing personal items with those who have herpes. They should also avoid kissing other people. If you have herpes, you should not share your toothbrush and other personal items. If you touch a person with herpes, wash your hands immediately.

Using Antiviral Creams and Precautions

While over-the-counter creams can reduce the symptoms and the pain, they do not remove the virus from the body. They can only help to reduce the symptoms, and cannot cure the infection. But they can help to shorten the duration of an outbreak. They can reduce the pain and discomfort of the cold sores. If you have a severe cold sore, you should avoid exposing yourself to other people during the outbreak. This can also cause an infection.

Over-the-counter antiviral creams are an excellent way to reduce the duration of a cold sore outbreak. They are also effective at reducing the discomfort of the condition. Although these creams do not remove the virus, they do reduce the inflammation and pain. They work by inhibiting the replication of the virus and the formation of new outbreaks. If you develop a cold sore, it is important to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Effective Cold Sore Treatment

The initial outbreak of cold sores can last two weeks or longer. Recurrent outbreaks usually last for a week or more. The pain can be relieved by applying over-the-counter creams or applying a cold compress. Some people may find that using a hot or ice pack will help reduce the pain. The most effective treatments for cold sores are available over-the-counter and prescription creams.

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